Streamline Your Divorce


Financial Insights helps you save money and time. The goal is to clarify your best course for moving forward in the most cost-effective manner possible. It starts with an understanding of your options for a divorce process, including alternative divorce options such as mediation and collaborative divorce, or traditional litigated divorce depending upon your particular situation. Once you understand the pros and cons of each you’ll be better equipped to decide what would be a good fit for you. By applying my financial expertise, I help bring clarity and efficiency to your divorce process no matter which alternative you select.


Streamlining and cost-efficiency during your divorce process helps you retain more of your marital assets for purposes of division.  You earned these assets and preservation of them is key to financial well being after divorce. During divorce, one household is broken into two.  This illuminates any shortcomings, inadequacies, or gaps in your marital financial situation which could be exacerbated upon divorce.  I will help you weigh the costs and benefits of the financial issues of divorce and how you can make decisions that are favorable to your financial health post-divorce.

Similarly, a prolonged and meandering divorce process impacts both your financial and emotional health. Expensive attorney, expert, appraiser, and other fees can be detrimental to the net available assets even if you are financially sound at the time of divorce.  Ultimately, you will want to create a new and wonderful life post-divorce, and this is much easier to realize if you preserve as much of your assets as you can throughout the process.


The old adage is “Time is Money.” Because divorce can be exhausting and overwhelming, I can also provide case management services to streamline your divorce.  The purpose is to help you  stay on track and prioritize your responsiveness to attorney’s requests.  This keeps the process efficient and progressing at a reasonable pace.  Working one-on-one, I help you prioritize, assemble, format, and understand relevant financial information, saving you both time and money.  Attorneys have found my assistance to clients to be invaluable in keeping the case on track.

I am committed to providing affordable, personalized, cost-effective financial analysis and have structured my fees to reflect that.


“Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness.” 

-James Thurber